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[Part1] | How to Create a Java Server Faces (JSF) Development Environment + Apache Tomcat + Suns JDK

DEAR VISITOR , YOU ARE WATCHING : [Part1] | How to Create a Java Server Faces (JSF) Development Environment + Apache Tomcat + Suns JDK .

[postlink] https://j2ee-tutorials-videos.blogspot.com/2010/07/how-to-create-java-server-faces-jsf.html [/postlink] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmvRUnNRytoendofvid [starttext]

This is part one of a three part Java Server Faces CBT Tutorial that demonstrates how to configure your Windows XP environment in order to do some JSF development.

The idea is that first you need to install the JDK, configure the JAVA_HOME environment variable, and then install the Tomcat Servlet & JSP engine. With the JAVA_HOME set, and the bin directory of the Tomcat6 server located, it's just a matter of running the startup.bat file and your tomcat server can be found at http://localhost:8080

After installing and configuration Tomcat, further tutorials demonstrate how to obtain the JSF JAR files from the mojarra project (jsf-api.jar & jsf-api.jar). We even recommend finding the jstl.jar and standard.jar files from the examples in the Tomcat installation.

Subsequent tutorials demonstrate how to create a simple J2EE/JEE5 war file with the appropriate war file structure, how to create a web.xml deployment descriptor, a faces-config.xml file, and finall, how to jar the whole darn thing up and deploy it to the Servlet Engine.

This tutorial uses Apache Tomcat, but the instructions will work with any J2EE/JEE5 compliant application server, including WebSphere, WebLogic, Tomcat, Oracle, etc.
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1 commentaires :

Anonymous said...

That's an advanced tutorial for people who is excesively accustomed to wizards even though you're using one for jdk, good job.

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:)) ;)) ;;) :D ;) :p :(( :) :( :X =(( :-o :-/ :-* :| 8-} :)] ~x( :-t b-( :-L x( =))

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J2EE is an acronym for Java 2 Enterprise Edition. The Java 2 Enterprise Edition is Software that can be used along with the J2SE, the Java 2 Standard Edition which includes the compiler and the other fundamentals of Java. The J2EE software includes development and deployment systems for Java Servlet and Java ServerPages. Both of these combine Java and HTML to produce web pages on demand. Author Mohamed Habou . understand this powerful component of Java programming.

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J2EE is an acronym for Java 2 Enterprise Edition. The Java 2 Enterprise Edition is Software that can be used along with the J2SE, the Java 2 Standard Edition which includes the compiler and the other fundamentals of Java. The J2EE software includes development and deployment systems for Java Servlet and Java ServerPages. Both of these combine Java and HTML to produce web pages on demand. VTC Author Mohamed Habou takes you on a step by step guide to understanding this powerful component of Java programming.